Spring Work Begins at Lockleaze Sports Centre
A lovely day was had by all last week at Lockleaze Sports Centre at our first workday there this year.
We first got involved at Lockleaze Sports Centre when resident Martin pointed out that the land there was full of potential for supporting wildlife. With support from the Sports Centre which has continued under new Managing Director Craig, and from Lockleaze Green Gym conservation volunteers, we hatched a plan for nature taking into account the needs of wildlife, the Sports Centre and local residents. Over 2024 volunteers created ponds, long stretches of wildflower meadow and several hedgerows.
This year, it’s time to build on that work and look after these fledgeling habitats. On Thursday 27th we had five visiting occupational therapy students from UWE who really got stuck in, as well as local residents. We focused on the hedgerows, cutting back brambles, replacing bamboos and tree guards and replanting trees that didn't survive- and the hedgerow is doing really well.
You can get involved every last Thursday of the month from 10:30 til 13:30- or for some of that time if it’s all you can manage. Meet at the water building behind the rugby pitch (grapes.youth.port on what three words) or call us at 07708 471787 on the day to find out where we’ve got to. See you there!
A note on meadows: We’ve been informed that the National Grid need to dig up some of our planted meadow area to put in cables. It is very unfortunate after all the work that was put in, but National Grid assures us that it will work with us to reinstate the meadow after their work has been completed. We are hoping they will also put in the meadow we were planning to do this Spring as well, as we have had to cancel 4 more meadow making sessions, and are working to negotiate this. We would like to thanks the Sports Centre team for working hard to get National Grid to agree this with us.