Interpretation Boards Go Up to Celebrate First Wave Greens
We were really excited to put up interpretation boards on some of the first greens which residents worked on with Really Wild Lockleaze. The boards explain what residents have done on their green, and the benefits that making space for nature can have for the people, insects, mammals and more in our community. We think they look pretty great!
The boards are a permanent celebration of what the residents of Landseer Avenue, Stanfield Close and Thornycroft Close have achieved, and the communities that have been built around each green. You can watch the video here of the moment Stanfield Close residents broke ground with Really Wild Lockleaze for the first time- we’re now over a year on, and are starting to witness the hedgerow maturing and looking forward to our second year of wildflowers. Similarly, it was great to see the second year of bulbs peeping up at Landseer Avenue.
It was also lovely to chat with residents on each green who popped out to see us while we worked, with several people taking the opportunity to do some quick hedgerow tidying or discuss their plans for looking after their meadows.
As you may know, residents have been creating wildlife habitats with us on many more greens in Lockleaze, so watch this space for more signage! As always, do get in touch with us at with any questions, ideas or feedback.