Wildflower Seed Collecting!

We had a brilliant time collecting wildflower seed in Stoke Park last Thursday. It was a beautiful day, and residents said they enjoyed spending time in the sunshine! 

We collected a fantastic variety of seeds: agrimony, vetches, meadowsweet, oxeye daisy, common knapweed, bird’s-foot trefoil, field scabious, meadow grasses and even red bartsia, which is excellent for new meadows as it feeds off grasses, allowing other plants to flourish. We learnt how to collect seed responsibly, and that collecting seeds from your local area ensures that the environment will be suited to them, as well as giving us an appreciation for our local species and how they change over the seasons.

Many of these seeds are destined for use in our community greenspaces, and if you would like to be involved in growing them into little plants, do get in touch with reallywild@lockleazent.co.uk . You don’t need much expertise or even much space, and we can provide advice and equipment to support you!