Work Begins Transforming More Greens!

Residents have been making exciting plans to take action for nature in their neighbourhood at two greens in Lockleaze.

Well-attended community planning meetings were held at the green by Spalding Close (7 people attending) and at Coppers Green, also known as Lockleaze Green by Romney Avenue (30 people attending).

We discussed putting in wildflower patches, bulbs, fruit bushes, hedgerows and more, while ensuring that lots of open space is left to be mown so that everyone can use the greens in the way that they wish. These new habitats will bring colour, variety and more wildlife!

A small meadow of white, yellow and blue wildflowers at Thornycroft Close

This work follows on from the success of fabulous work already completed by residents at the green spaces by Thornycroft Close, Stanfield Close, Blake Road and Landseer Avenue. You might have seen the beautiful wildflower meadows on these greens or verges and street corners, as well as new trees and hedgerows.

If you live around the green at Spalding Close or Romney Avenue, it’d be great to have you on board- get in touch here. The plans will go out for consultation with the community soon.

Live somewhere else in Lockleaze and want to see more wildlife on your street? Get in touch!