Really Wild Roundup- Early Summer

There’s been loads going on in Lockleaze recently, with residents coming together from across the area to work together for nature. Below you’ll find all the exciting details, as well as what you can get involved with.

New Pond at Lockleaze Sports Centre

Twenty six residents worked together to build a pond to support our amphibian populations, as well as building bumblebee nests and maintaining the newly planted trees. The pond is already looking great!

Bee Surveying Group Set Up

Seven volunteers have been learning how to monitor local bee populations in our rewilded areas. They’ll be doing a monthly walk to continue gathering data on our bees- if you’d like to get involved, get in touch!

A group of volunteers with bee nets stand by a path examining wildlife.

Lockleaze Nature Festival

Lockleaze Nature Festival was a great success, thanks to the brilliant stall-holders and the 100 residents who turned out! There was bug-hunting, plant printing, and performances, as well as stalls with local veg, cut flowers, wildflower plants and much more.

Butterfly Surveying

Over the past few weeks twelve residents have got involved with identifying and recording butterfly populations in Stoke Park. We learned how to safely catch butterflies in order to identify them, and joined in with the nationwide Big Butterfly Count and UK Pollinator Monitoring Scheme.

Green Spaces:

If you’ve noticed the wildflowers appearing recently on greens and verges around Lockleaze and would like to get involved with taking action on your street, do get in touch for more information, or how to get started.

Coming up Next:

25 July, 2 to 4:30 pm: Plant Survey starting at Thornycroft Close, working with our community ecologist to assess the success of the wildflowers introduced by residents to local green spaces. All welcome!

25 July, 5 to 7 pm: Stoke Park Ranger Ramble- join the Stoke Park ranger to hear about how the land is managed with wildlife in mind. Meet at the Hub, Gainsborough Square, in sensible footwear.

31 July, 2 to 4:30 pm: Plant Survey of wetland wildflowers, starting at the very top of Landseer Avenue. Wear wellies!

7 August, 10 am to 12pm: Plant Survey at Stanfield Close.

29 August, 4 to 6 pm: Wildflower Seed Collection at Stoke Park, collecting wildflower seeds to grow in your garden, and Lockleaze’s green spaces. Meet at the Hub, Gainsborough Square, in sensible footwear.