Residents plant for pollinators!
Bulb planting and seed sowing at the Cameron Centre
8 local people got together and planted bulbs around the trees and in the wild flower areas at the front of the Cameron Centre. We planted around 225 snow drops, wild tulips, crocuses, wild daffodils and celandine - all of which will help our pollinators find food, and look beautiful. We also sowed some wildflower seeds, and cut back brambles in the Cameron Centre Garden. At the end we dug up some potatoes from the raised beds, and participants got to take them home for bangers and mash!
One participant said “I would have stayed at home watching Netflix if I hadn’t done come, and this was much better!”
It was all done at the Cameron Centre, so hopefully you will enjoy seeing the flowers next spring, and they will provide vital food for our early bees when they come out in February.
This workshop was a collaboration between the Really Wild Lockleaze Project and the Lockleaze Green Gym
Want to get involved with helping nature in Locleaze. Call in at the Hub to meet us, or contact our Project Co-ordinator Eleanor at