September in The Buzz Community Garden
Hello from your Buzz Community Garden.
It’s been wonderful to see you come down and lend your support to this little gem of a space in Lockleaze. The weather was not always kind, but we still cracked on. And had fun. Thank you.
September was the last chance to plant a few veg for roast dinners and for……. ssssshh Xmas. First
some hard graft weeding, but remembering to leave in the companion plants such as the
nasturtiums (aphids and bugs hate the smell). As perennials, they flower reliably every year, but
nasturtium go the extra mile as they flower all year round which adds some gorgeous colour to your
gardens in gloomy winter. I learnt too, that nasturtiums were edible – the whole plant! Since the
seeds were dropping, I collected some (to sow at a later date), and I pickled the rest. Though they
can be eaten raw too. They have a radish-like flavour. Keep those winter colds at bay with this very
tasty and vitamin C-rich food.
Veg in the ground now are potatoes, radishes, cabbage, rainbow chard, onions, chives, squash and
courgettes. And for good measure we scattered some wild flower seeds that a resident kindly
donated. Thanks Jay! There’s also a nice little herb bed. But its missing rosemary, so I need to get
some of that. Do you have any to spare? Loads of sage though, which you can freeze to use later to
create tasty sage and onion stuffing. Yum.
We also started work gently tidying the back teeny woodland. Not too much, we want the wildlife
this winter to have cosy hidey retreats to go to.
We'll take care of the developing plants during the following two to three months, but our major
focus will be on creativity. Maybe making bird boxes, or natural decorations for the upcoming festive
season. Could really do with some help with practical stuff. Making, painting etc. I have lots of
ideas, but this is your space, so I look forward to seeing you there either on Wednesdays or
Saturdays (come rain or shine) 10 -12 where you will be welcome to unleash your imagination. Or
just come down to hang out at the picnic table, chat and have a cuppa and biscuit.
You are all welcome
See you soon
Love Anne-Louise xx