Field Stories Art Project is launched!
We had a brilliant time launching the Field Stories sculpture and audio experience on Sunday 1st December. The artwork consists of three beautiful sculptural benches made from designs which local children worked on, inspired by butterfly species local to Lockleaze like the orange-tip or small blue butterfly. On each bench is a QR code where you can experience an audio journey through Lockleaze’s nature history, and hear members of our community talk about what it means to them.
There were smiling faces all round as 23 residents gathered to listen to the audio for the first time, and try out the benches!
The benches are at Gainsborough Square, Thornycroft Close and behind Lockleaze Sports Centre- go and check them out! To hear the audios, see a map of locations and find out more about the making of the project, visit the Field Stories webpage.

Field Stories is a brand new art work by artists Charli Clark and Sylvia Rimat, consisting of three sculptural benches and audio stories. They will be in place for the long term, all you need is your smartphone to access the audio work via a QR code, and a pair of headphones, so you can experience the full sound design!
Field Stories was co-created with year seven students at Trinity Academy, year three students at Stoke Park Primary, with children at the Vench and through interviewing older people of Lockleaze. Many thanks to the schools and the Vench.
Plunge into the wild stories of Lockleaze.
Sound design/ composition: Sam Halmarack
Commissioned by Really Wild Lockleaze, part of Lockleaze Neighbourhood Trust. Supported by the National Lottery Community Fund, Bristol Climate and Nature Partnership and Avon Wildlife Trust.