Lockleaze Thrive Course - how it went for our local residents...
Lockleaze Thrive/ Wellbeing Group
6 local residents attended some wellbeing group sessions in September at the Hub facilitated by Jonathan, wellbeing navigator at the Hub, Siobhan from CASS- Community Access Support Services and Damien- peace of mind facilitator.
Here's what they had to say about attending this group:
'Really nice meeting new people, connecting with them and being in a group'
'Felt able to be open and honest'
'A safe space'
'An excellent short course which has helped me do life a bit better.'
Things that have stuck with participants from the group:
'Writing down each day 3 things that I am grateful for'.
'Peace of mind session helped me calm down, writing a Mood Diary was a helpful tool'
'Helpful leaflets on managing depression, stress and anxiety'
'Connected with other group members and will meet up at a later stage to do things together.'
What's Next?
4 Guided peace of mind sessions- The Hub -Daytime in November/ December 2022 at the Hub. If you would like to attend further wellbeing groups in Lockleaze
Contact Jonathan for further information, Wellbeing Navigator (I work from Tuesday to Thursday). Tel-0117 9141129 or email: wellbeing@lockleazent.co.uk
A free 6 week course for all adults to explore how to maintain positive mental and emotional wellbeing in the midst of our messy lives.
I would strongly recommend this course which I have benefitted from attending.
Starts on Tuesday 20th September- 10.45am- 12.30pm at Ebenezer Church, 286 Filton Avenue, Bristol. BS7 0BA.
More details and sign up- www.ebe.org.uk/wellbeinggroup