Lockleaze Community Autumn Feast - FREE!

Lockleaze Community Autumn Feast

Bought to you by Secret Soup Society and Lockleaze Community Climate Action

Sunday 9th October 11am-2pm at The Vench - Lockleaze Adventure Playground

This is a free event and all are welcome, but children must be accompanied by an adult!

Food Provided by Secret Soup Society

Playground open

Circus Skills Workshop with Lucy Lost-it

Community Apple Pressing (Bring your apples to be turned in to apple juice!)

Lifecycle 's 'Dr Bike'

Come and connect with your community, enjoy a delicious lunch, press your own apple juice and find out what's happening locally about climate action and how you can get involved.

Click her to reserve a place


(Tickets are free)

For any further enquiries please email wearethesecretsoupsociety@gmail.com

Lockleaze Neighbourhood Trust