Stuart's Bench - A beautiful new bench on Purdown.

A popular and fondly missed local man, Stuart, is being remembered by people close to him with a stunning new bench on Purdown. Stuart was part of the local walking group and had a fountain of knowledge about the area. His loved ones have been eager to get the bench installed for some time, so are naturally really pleased with having somewhere to sit and remember him, at his favourite view point.

Below are a some warm words from his good friend Sheila, and also from the maker of the bench, Reid. Reid talks about the construction of the bench which is really interesting. Scroll down for photos!

Stuart's story, by Sheila:

On 21st December 2017, Stuart died very suddenly.  He was our dear friend.  His immense knowledge of nature made him a very popular walk leader,and volunteer at local community gardens.
Between the walking groups, Hub, Buzz and the meet-up group we started crowd funding for a memorial. We chose to have a bench placed on Purdown where he really enjoyed describing the views towards the Cotswolds, Bath, Bedminster Down and the Mendip Hills - it was his favourite thing!

The bench has been placed in just the spot that so enthused our dear Stuart.

From the maker, Read Jones:

Although I never met Stuart in person, his work lives on in many projects across the community.  

His raised beds are in bloom at the Old Library garden, where each Saturday I ran free woodcraft and forest skills sessions for children and adults where everyone had a go at making.

We also got round to building swings, a lookout fort and the famous giant bird nest.  

I'm looking forward to restarting these sessions soon.

The bench:
Some of the tools I used to make Stuart's bench must be 200 years old and still going strong! 
The legs and crossbeams are solid oak.  
Thick slabs of cedar make the seat and back.
How many bow-tie inlays can you find?  -Each is a piece of hawthorn that grew on the ridge here in Stoke Park.  
We wanted this seat to be inclusive so it was very important to make a comfy backrest!  The whole thing is packed full of tactile touch-points to explore whilst people enjoy the amazing view.

As a local lad, I've always been at home in the woods here and up the Frome valley. 

Aside from projects at the Old Library, I've been lucky enough to volunteer with Steve England in this parkland and also demonstrate or make things for Begbrook and Glenfrome Primary, Glenside museum, Westonbirt and Felix Rd adventure playground.  

It means a lot to me to share the craft with schools and groups.  There's nothing better than helping people build the skill to produce something useful.

What a magical thing to work in nature.

You can contact Reid via the Hub or find him with the Somerset Bodgers each Monday at Tynsfield Estate.