Corona virus and the community

There is growing concern about Corona virus in the community and lots of media reports with differing and changing advice. We want to reassure the community that The Hub and Cameron Centre are still open, and currently we don't have any plans to close our doors due to Coronavirus. We are monitoring the Government updates and will let you know if this changes. There is great advice on the NHS webpages and the Government web pages.

We have increased the cleaning of our spaces and are actively encouraging our community to keep their hands clean by washing regularly with soap and water each time they arrive and leave our spaces - this simple thing is still the best advice for managing the spread of the disease.

We are asking anyone with a persistent cough or temperature to stay at home for at least 7 days as per the Government advice (you don’t need to phone 111 unless you can’t cope or get worse).

We are also asking how all of us who are fit and well can think about ways we can support our neighbours. We have made this template letter you can send round to your neighbours - we have some copies in the Hub or you can print it off at home and pop it through neighbours doors. If you let us know which streets you have done we can keep a track and identify any gaps. Get in touch 0117 9141129 and