Big news! Residents of Lockleaze to benefit from new local lettings policy 

Residents of Lockleaze to benefit from new local lettings policy 

People with a connection to Lockleaze will get priority for up to 50% of new homes for affordable rent being built in the area, thanks to a new policy that has been created alongside local residents. We are absolutely delighted to see this ambitious lettings policy aiming to allocate affordable rented homes in a more efficient and equitable way be agreed by Bristol City Council's Cabinet.  

It has been about two years since we first started having conversations with residents about how new homes built in the neighbourhood can benefit the existing community. We have worked hard to ensure that the community has driven decision making throughout the development of this policy and have been given the space to provide meaningful input at every stage. Lockleaze Neighbourhood Trust has worked collaboratively with residents and Bristol City Council to create a local lettings policy that will ensure new social housing built in the area will benefit people with a local connection (defined in the policy) in housing need. 

Under the new policy 50% of new social and affordable rented properties on any new developments being built within Lockleaze will be allocated to applicants that meet the relevant criteria. This includes people who have lived or worked in Lockleaze for at least two years. People have to be registered with the Home Choice Bristol and meet this criteria for housing need first. 

 In the case of Community led Housing developments 100% of the new social and affordable units will be allocated in line with the Local Lettings Policy where possible.

With the amount of residential development coming to Lockleaze, and proposed levels of affordable housing, this policy will make significant, tangible benefits to many members of Lockleaze's community who currently find themselves in housing need. We know there is a lot of new housing coming to the neighbourhood but it will not be here overnight. The homes that this policy will apply to will be delivered in phases over the coming years and we will do our best to give people as much notice ahead of time.

Lastly, thank you to everyone who has patiently come on this journey with us. It is a great example of how effective collaboration between local people and the local authority can make positive changes to people's lives.

Alex Bugden

Community Housing Project Manager

Lockleaze Neighbourhood Trust