I do Aikido - you can too!

A young persons spotlight on Aikido in Lockleaze

Hi, I'm Izzy. I am 10 years old and I go to Aikido in the Cameron Centre in Lockleaze.  I have been going for a year now after my dad said it would be good for me to try it.  I started with 1 session per week but I enjoy it so much I now go twice a week. I have recently completed a grading and I am now a 4th Mon which is a yellow belt with one stripe.

I felt a bit nervous when I first started as I didn't know anyone who went but I soon made lots of friends. The lessons are fun, we do different throwing techniques and play games such as bouncy hopper races for balance. We also do competitions like who can do the most techniques in a minute. You also end up learning different languages like Japanese, Spanish, French and German as we often count in different languages while doing our head stretches. This was something I wasn't expecting! It is good exercise and the classes always make me feel happy. When you've done your grading and get a grade change you have a wonderful sense of achievement.  Daren is the Aikido instructor and he is really funny.  I highly recommend going to Aikido. It's something for all ages.


Monday and Thursday.
3 classes (junior, teens, adults) between 4.30-9.30pm
The Cameron Centre
Contact Daren 07941257940