#ActiveLockleaze Pop Up Activity Event

There were smiles all round and even the rain held off for our free #ActiveLockleaze pop up activity event held in August.

Thank you to all the residents of all ages who came to try something new, to discover some of the wonderful opportunities available and to meet some of the amazing Team Lockleaze.

60+ attended     12 activities     100 % positive feedback

 “I used to play this game when I was younger.”  “Great variety & good community feel”

”This is such a great event- so nice to see so many people joining in”

“What a great event! “            “I learnt a new game from Poland”   

“Kids are going home happy”    “I’m very happy”     “Everything was amazing”

“Thank you for organising-can't believe this is all for free”

A massive thank you to all of our community partners who provided the tasters and activities- and who made the event such a success. Go Team Lockleaze!

Here's a few of the highlights of the event-being active is fun.

If you were unable to attend please do click on this link and you too can discover the opportunities available for all ages and abilities.

#ActiveLockleaze supports residents to lead more active lives.
