HOPE Programme at SGS College - Filton Campus

HOPE (Helping Others Progress in Employment) is a supported employment agency provided by South Gloucestershire and Stroud College (SGS).       

They are currently welcoming referrals for the Bristol HOPE Programme. 

They support clients with learning difficulties, disabilities and mental health conditions to find and retain stable, long-term employment with inclusive companies. They will also provide continued support through their job coaching service.      

To register with HOPE the following criteria is required:      

  •  Not be in full-time Education, Training or Employment.   

  • Want to access PAID employment.     

  • Be aged 19+ years old.     

  • Have a barrier to work (learning difficulty, disability, mental health condition).     

  • Be able to travel independently or have the ability to learn.     

  • Be able to work unsupported after an agreed period of job coaching.    

They will match clients to a job coach to help support them to apply for job vacancies, look for work experience opportunities and help with CV writing and interview techniques.  

Here is a link to their course page on our SGS College website:

HOPE Employment Agency (sgscol.ac.uk) 

For more information see the posters below.

Lockleaze Neighbourhood Trust