Monday Motivation - Community Litter Picking #ActiveLockleaze Project

As part of our partnership project #ActiveLockleaze we like to feature regular posts for our Monday Motivation or Spotlight On section.

This is just one of the ways we promote physical activities and sports opportunities in Lockleaze. By sharing providers and participants' personal stories we aim to inspire and motivate and encourage all residents to lead more active lives.

This week we focus on the Community Litter Pick and Plogging.


Thank you to the residents who joined us for the July Community Litter Pick.

We managed to fill 7 bags weighing 21.6 kg from around Gainsborough Square in 90 minutes and clocked up 7085 steps too!

Community Litter picks are a great way to meet other residents, get more active and keep the neighbourhood tidy. It also has positive benefits for our wildlife too.

This time we were delighted to welcome Claire ,the local Plogging Coordinator.

The group meet every third Sunday at 10am at Horfield Leisure Centre, jog to an area, litter pick and then jog back.

Its a great way to be more active and do something for your community and it's suitable for all ages.

To find out more: