Monday Motivation #ActiveLockleaze Project

Purdown Gun Battery

 As part of our free guided walks programme we recently led the final Love Where You Live walk to Purdown Gun Battery.

Our walks help you get active, connect, explore and make the most of your neighbourhood.


The weather was beautiful and we were delighted to help residents discover somewhere new and learn some of the local history together.


‘It was very interesting-history, landmarks and exit locations to help navigate and connect to other areas’


We had some interesting conversations about what life was like there during the war, not just for the soldiers stationed there but for the residents of Lockleaze too.

We had fun identifying some of the landmarks visible across Bristol and took time to enjoy the panoramic views across the city, pausing at Stuarts Bench to remember our fellow walk leader.

We met other walkers, cyclists, joggers and dogs and although the goats were chilling quietly in the shade during our visit they gave us a very vocal goodbye as we left!


‘I didn't know any of this history-its good to have someone to walk with’


A very pleasant way to spend a sunny morning and we clocked up almost 7000 steps!


Join us for our Blooming Lockleaze walk as we revisit the amazing rewilding work at Lockleaze Sports Centre and Buzz Community Garden.

This is a level, shorter walk so suitable for all. Tuesday 23rd July 10-11.30am.


This will be the final walk of our free guided walks programme where we have delivered 35 walks over 11 months, helping you to meet new people, learn, discover, explore and make the most of your neighbourhood.

Although we are aware many residents were familiar with the venues and locations we have visited we were surprised to meet so many who hadn't had the opportunity and the walks have been beneficial in welcoming residents new to the area too.

We hope you have enjoyed the walks, the blogs and the photos and hopefully we have inspired you to get out and about in Lockleaze.

Our thanks to Sports England, to Bristol Ramblers and WESPORT -our partners for our #ActiveLockleaze project-supporting all residents to be more active.


Any questions or comments please contact  see our website for more details or pop in to The Hub.