#ActiveLockleaze and Bristol Girls Can

#ActiveLockleaze-Update June 2024

#ActiveLockleaze is the partnership project between Lockleaze Neighbourhood Trust and WESPORT-the aim-to help all Lockleaze residents lead more active lives.

As part of the #Bristol Refugee Week events we recently attended the Our City Cup football tournament at Lockleaze Sports Centre. It was a great day of teams coming together from across the city-connecting through sport.

Some players only met their teams at registration and all were welcomed and played well. It was an exciting and energetic day.

Our thanks to WESPORT for such a well organised event and it was great to have lots of residents there cheering everyone on.

#Bristol Girls Can

We recently attended the first network meeting bringing together community partners, volunteers and residents to connect, share learning and support this empowering campaign. We heard from some amazing projects and had the opportunity to strengthen partnerships and make some new ones from across the city.

Our thanks to WESPORT for leading the way.

If you would like to get more involved or have further discussions around Bristol Girls Can, you can sign up to be part of The Network and for regular communication here: https://forms.office.com/e/S4wvWM94Ys