Full Bloom in June!

Hello from Buzz Community Garden!

As I write this, we have just celebrated Summer Solstice, the longest day in the year. What relevance does that have to do with Buzz I hear you cry.  This time of year, is significant to gardeners as well as druids.

The summer solstice represents a time of renewal, growth, and connection to the natural world.  Buzz provides exactly that, a local outdoor green space in the heart of Lockleaze, where people can meet new people, unwind in the fresh air, and pick up new skills.  Everyone is most welcome.

Secondly, the long sunny days provide plants with essential light, increasing their ability to photosynthesise, which is the means by which green plants use sunlight to produce their own food. As a result, plants and vegetables should ripen and mature nicely and we can expect plenty of fruits and vegetables to eat.  Hooray.

Twigs and Twine Workshop

Our small urban garden had the wonderful chance to be included as part of the Get Growing Trail this year.  We were over the moon to have more than thirty visitors stop by and check out this Lockleaze green space. It was also an opportunity to learn how to make a hanging basket using Twigs and Twine. Along with getting to know one another through this social activity, visitors also got to take their handy work home with them. We love this picture that was sent to us, showing their basket hanging nicely. with some flowers in it.  We look forward to more creative sessions this year at Buzz. 

Getting Creative

Now the plants are properly underway doing their growing thing, this left us time to get crafty on other projects.  We used chalkboard paint to transform an old pallet into a functional "To Do" board.  So, if you are ever passing by, and fancy getting your hands dirty, just take a quick look at the board, where you might see what we may need help with.

We also upcycled a gifted bench, and placed it in the wooded area by the ponds, under the greengage tree.  This offers a calm and shaded area to rest, unwind, and catch your breath.

Fruits of our Labour

Woohoo! The strawberries are taking off. What a delightful pleasure to munch on while we work. We also discovered that the leaves can be used to brew a delicious tea that is rich in iron, calcium, and vitamin C and helps relieve arthritis. Redcurrants and gooseberries are also doing great, and we can't wait to use them in recipes. Gooseberry fool or redcurrant sauce, anyone?

Buzz Towers – A New Luxury Hotel for Bugs

We have built an eco-hotel for the insects and bugs out of wooden pallets. 

In exchange for food, shelter and a safe space to breed, minibeasts, like ladybirds, spiders, bees and woodlice will be helping out at Buzz Community Garden with things like pollination and munching on garden pests like aphids and greenflies. A good example of mutualism!

This is something you can do easily at home. Wood, bricks, old pipes, logs, twigs, bark, hollow bamboo canes.  Take a look around your garden the next time, or if you are out and about, I'm sure you'll find a few items that would make a perfect home. 

Local Generosity

Once again, your kindness saves the day. Thank you.

The birds have noticed how juicy our fruit are looking and are tucking in.  Of course, we don’t mind sharing with our natural visitors, but in order for us to have a few ourselves, we have covered them with some netting, kindly gifted by a Lockleaze resident.

We upcycled the bench, which was a gift, and it added extra sitting to our space. Something we will definitely appreciate on our tea and biscuit breaks.

And the tomatoes are benefitting greatly from the donated bags of top-notch compost.  Can’t wait until they fruit soon.

We looking forward to harvesting our fruit and potatoes over the summer, spending time outside, swapping ideas, and watching the gradual transformation of your neighbourhood's green space into a beautiful wild garden that the whole community can enjoy. 🌿🌼🌱

All welcome Wednesdays and Saturdays 10 – 12.  No experience needed. Tools provided.  Free hot drinks and biscuits. 

Keep up to date and follow us on Facebook @Buzzcommunitygarden

See you there!

Anne-Louise x