Wellbeing Update from Jonathan

Lockleaze Wellbeing Walks

On a special day the 2-2-22 I had a lovely morning joining a large group of Greenway strollers on a gentle one hour walk in Southmead and into badock's wood. It was great to hear a woodpecker doing his drilling. Many of the walkers went for a cuppa in the cafe after the walk. It was great to see that many of the walkers have become good friends.

Maria and I are planning on starting a gentle one hour Lockleaze wellbeing walk suitable for all ages and abilities in Stoke Park.

These relaxed walks will start in April 22 hopefully on a Wednesday to allow people to have a cuppa and a chat in the hubbub cafe at the hub afterwards.

If you are interested in joining us to walk and talk please do get in touch.

Please pop into the hub I work from Tuesday to Thursday and ask to speak with Jonathan Ford, Wellbeing Navigator or give me a call on 07708471787.

Wellbeing journey at the Hub on Wednesday 23rd February from 2pm-4pm

Go on a wellbeing journey at the hub,

Visit our wellbeing stations from 2-4pm on the 23rd February dotted throughout the hub. Take part in activities exploring our wellbeing and get to know your self better. Find out about what local support could help you manage a bit better.

New local group- Parents/Carers of children with additional needs

It is both tough but rewarding being a parent/ carer of a child with additional needs. Sometimes it can be hard to find the support that both you and your child needs.

Vanessa, a Lockleaze parent who has a child with additional needs is keen to start a group for parents/ carers of children with additional needs- diagnosed or not yet to meet up and to help support each other.

We would like to start a friendly, informal group for these parents and carers to meet up to talk together about the highs and lows of caring for a child with additional needs. Furthermore to share helpful tips such as how to access the right education or support for your child.

The first meeting will take place on Wednesday 2nd March from 11am-12o'clock at the Hubbub cafe. We will then meet up the first Wednesday of the month from 11am-12 o'clock at the Hubbub cafe.

We will meet up over a drink at the cafe and we will talk and help each other deal with the issues that are relevant to your family.

If you would like any further information about this please please contact Jonathan Ford, Wellbeing Navigator at the Hub. Please pop into the Hub from Tuesday to Thursday.

Many Thanks.

Jonathan Tel-07708471787 or 0117 9141129