Wednesday Wellbeing - Community Singing

Community Singing

I love to sing.

It’s good for your mind and body, both helping you to learn to breathe deeply, exercise core muscles and mentally to free your soul. A long time ago, I attempted to join a choir.

“Are you a soprano or an alto?” the choir leader asked me. I didn’t know what either of those words meant.

“In that case, can you please stand up and audition in front of the rest of the group, we need to know where to place you.”

My heart pounding in my chest and my mouth completely dry, I stood up, squeaked, and ran out the building. Needless to say, I never went back.

So when my friend Helen suggested joining her community singing group I had reservations.

“Don’t worry, it’s a group for well-being, we just crash through some songs, have a chat and on our birthdays we eat meringues and cake.” she told me. So I went.

As it turned out actually the group does take singing seriously, but in a completely different way. The focus of our community singing group is to encourage people to enjoy singing, whether you are a professional or have never even sung in the shower. The only motivation is to inspire confidence in each other and to have fun singing. And to eat meringues.

We meet 6.30pm at the Vench on Thursday evenings, if you wish to join please contact Helen Freshwater on 07912225279 or you can just turn up.

- Annie (Local resident).