Fairfield High School Graffiti Workshop Proves Great Success

Graffiti Workshop Proves Great Success

Fairfield High School (FHS) is working in collaboration with Graffarty and the Creative Youth Network to deliver a graffiti course, designed to grow students’ confidence, encourage communication and expression through art, and to aid relaxation.


The 10 week course is very effective for those students finding it challenging to engage with school for a variety of reasons, whether in or outside of school. This form of engagement provides an alternative variation to the school day, with the young people finding team bonding, communication and creativity to be hugely beneficial.


The course involves the use of different techniques, often starting with the painting of their names onto canvas using stencils, water based paint and pen. This free flow continues, with students choosing to create whatever takes their fancy; the result being different patterns, shapes, animals or galaxies – there are no set rules.


Steve Fitzpatrick from Graffarty explains about the group work: “In addition to individual pieces of art, we encourage the young people to embark on group activities, such as spray painting plastic wrap or vinyl bands. We also have grand plans for creating a striking mural of a waterfall, so watch this space.”


Mason Somerville, Achievement Coordinator at FHS summarises: “These graffiti courses are highly effective for engaging those students who may not respond particularly well to the traditional school model. Whilst their week still consists of learning from a broad curriculum, they look forward to their time outdoors, becoming lost in the art world and creating unique pieces which they are then encouraged to take home and enjoy with their families.”
— Corinne Breingan