UWE student gets campaign to protect bats in Stoke Park off to a great start!
Cat from UWE got in touch to let us know about a student of her that has started a campaign for the protection of bats in Bristol.
Here's what she had to say: ''Hiya, one of my cohort students at UWE (for an assignment) is running a campaign about light pollution and bats, focusing in the Stoke Park area. As part of this she is asking local residents if they could please fill in a short survey for her. I wondered (on her behalf) if you would please mind sharing it on your page for her? ''
Beth very impressively spoke with South Gloucestershire Council, who have agreed to alter the lights along Long Down Avenue to more bat-friendly ones a few years earlier than planned! Go Beth!
Please give her page a like, have a read and also help her in her project by filling in her survey.
The survey link is: https://uwe.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0diDWOXGjHtDtaK
And her campaign page is: https://www.facebook.com/blindedbythenightbristol