Census is coming
19 days to go till the census needs to be filled in, no need to get out the donkey and travel back to where you were born this year they’re doing it online. www.census.gov.uk
The census happens every 10 years and it is the best data for a picture of what life is like in England and how it has changed since the last decade. It is used by national and local government and charities like us to see where to target funding based on need. It is the law to fill it in. You should be receiving an envelope through the door like this any day now, they want a snapshot of life on 21 March but if you know who’s at your house then you can start filling it in now. Sometimes minority communities are under-represented in the census as are people with no fixed abode and that means support isn’t targeted based on their needs.
Plus if you don’t fill it in how will your Ancestors fill in their family tree 100 years from now?? For more info check out the census website or call 0800 141 2021 for help.
Look what arrived this morning!