Wellbeing Wednesday Blog

A book that I have found helpful on my own wellbeing journey is by Patrick Regan - Honesty over Silence: ‘It's OK Not To Be OK’, 2018.

In this book he writes openly about how his own health issues impacted on his mental health and the importance of being real with others about how we are doing. In the book he says that: "It's OK to not be OK".

Admitting that we sometimes struggle and sharing this with other people we feel comfortable with can be the first step on your journey to feeling better. It is something that I have done with others and found very helpful.

I am hoping in the future to run some groups locally where we get the chance to share openly and honestly with each other and support each other in the different seasons of life.

If this might be of interest to you please do get in touch.


Jonathan Ford, Wellbeing Navigator


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