Groups begin to return to The Hub and Cameron Centre.

We are excited to be opening our doors to the public again, and welcoming back many of our much missed groups and their regulars.

Our office is back open from 19:30 - 15:00 Monday to Friday (the door may be locked from time to time but give us a knock if so!).

Please come and pay us a visit to say hi or find out more about whats happening in the area of the community centre.

We ask that everyone sanitises their hands upon arrival, keeps a 2 meter distance from others, and wears a mask if possible.

So far the groups that have returned / are returning to us are:

Ukulele Group (Fortnightly on a Monday from 1pm - 3pm)
Tai Kwon Do (Mondays from 6pm - 8pm)
Aikido Class (Mondays & Thursdays from 5pm - 9.30pm) ***NEW CLASS***
Acta (Mondays from 3.30pm - 5.30pm & Tuesdays from 5pm - 6.30pm)
GWR Karate (Wednesdys from 6pm - 7pm)
Zumba (Wednesdays from 7pm - 8pm)
Art for Well-being (Thursdays from 11am - 12.30pm)
Mens Friday Prayer (Fridays from 1pm until 3pm)
House of Grace (Sundays 9am - 2pm)

We hope to have many more returning through the month of September.
We also have a couple of new groups starting which is very exciting for us and the community. This includes Aikido classes for kids, teens and adults, and Pilates too! Watch this space for free Pilates taster sessions.