No Mow May a blooming success in Lockleaze!

An amazing 124 household signed up to our No Mow May campaign, leaving 7080 square meters - more than 27 tennis courts - to go grow wild for wildlife.

Now May has come to an end, we are thrilled to share the fantastic results of the “No Mow May” campaign! An incredible 124 gardens across Lockleaze participated, totalling 7,080 square meters of lawn left unmown – that’s more than 27 tennis courts worth!

In fact, Lockleaze registered more sign-ups than the entire rest of Bristol, which had 100 sign-ups according to Plantlife. Plantlife's "No Mow May" campaign gained thousands of sign-ups across the UK, though we are yet to find out the total number.

A massive well done to everyone who took part and did their bit for nature this May. Really Wild Lockleaze worked hard to distribute hundreds of flyers and speak to residents about the importance of “No Mow May”. We even signed up 67 gardens at The Hub during the local election voting day! Thank you to everyone who stopped to talk to us and sign their garden up.

All these unmown lawns will help our local wildlife, especially by giving our bees and butterflies plenty to eat as they become more active. This joint effort by Lockleaze residents not only benefits our local wildlife but also highlights the incredible commitment of Lockleaze residents to improving and protecting our green spaces. Your participation shows the power of community in creating a healthier environment for all!

If you want to continue enjoying a wilder lawn, how about participating in “Let it Bloom June” Plantlife has everything you need to know here:

For ideas on how to create a more wildlife-friendly garden, take a look at the Wildlife Trust’s guides: 

Get involved with making Lockleaze a more nature-friendly place, and stay updated on the work of Really Wild Lockleaze by signing up for the monthly Newsletter:

***** This post and a lot of the work around No Mow May was the creation of our UWE Masters Student intern, Emma Hann - thank you Emma for working so hard for the Lockleaze community and wildlife!*****