Move Over George Formby! - Ukulele Blog

This wonderful friendly group has been running for over 3 years and meets every fortnight on a

Monday at the Cameron Centre 1-3pm.

They learn and support each other to play the ukulele and sing along together.

I had the pleasure to meet up with the group Leader Joy and two of the regular attendees-Pat and Sue and here’s what they had to say.

Pat-I recognise that I’m not the most confident of people and when I retired I knew that I needed to make an effort to meet new people. I love all kinds of music but never got to learn to play an instrument-not even the recorder -so I joined the ukulele group, attend every session and can now play quite a few tunes. Singing The Blues is one of my favourites.

Sue knew Joy before joining and heard her play so decided to give it a go.

‘I’ve never played a musical instrument in my life - I own a piano but without a tutor I haven’t got round to learning. The group gives me encouragement and has taught me to play-they are great company, lively and fun.’

Group Leader Joy - ’We have over 40 songs from all genres you can learn to learn to play -we usually start with ‘He’s Got The Whole Wide World’ and move along to Abbas ‘I have A Dream’ The group is very welcoming, lively and fun and we always have a cuppa and chat so everyone can get to know each other. Playing the ukulele really does put you in a good mood. So whether you are a complete novice or know a tune or two please come and join us every other Monday 1-3pm at The Cameron Centre, you will be glad you did.’

Ukuleles are available to use and music and lyrics are provided. Next session is 18th April.