Switch and Stitch event success

Thanks to Amber for getting in touch with us at LNT to arrange this fantastic event here at The Hub. The event lined perfectly with our Community Climate Action project so we were excited to host for them helping them to come to Lockleaze.

Switch and Stitch is a public event where there are clothes swaps and an upcycling station too. Meaning people can find new items, donate theirs and even fix something to give it extra life!

The event was a success and had great feedback from residents that attended. There were a variation of ages that joined and it was enjoyed by all.

Amber says:

’’Thank you ever so much for allowing us to use the hall this evening.

It was such an amazing event, everyone really loved it and people asked when we were coming back!

It was definitely our favourite venue yet - it’s such a great community and it was so lovely to see the kids getting involved.’’

Amber is hoping to arrange the next event for September time. Keep your eye on our social media for the next date!