October in The Buzz Community Garden
Hello from your Buzz Community Garden.
October has been busy at Buzz, we celebrated UK Mushroom day whittling mushrooms from lime branches (lime is great for new whittlers as a lovely soft wood to work with when cut fresh. The kids did a great job painting them too! We also welcomed Jonathan from the Hub and Blooming Lockleaze Walks group. Thanks to them the birds were well fed, as they made pine cone fat balls.
Though I suspect the squirrels got them pretty sharpish but luckily Matt and his girls popped down at
the next session and stocked the trees up again.
We planted a few things, it’s at this point I say a big thank you to Lockleazeans, who donated, seeds,
plants and even a polytunnel. The radishes are coming along better since we added egg shells around them to protect them from those hungry slugs! And the red onions are doing well, and Abi did a brilliant job sowing broad beans – the hardy variety, so hopefully they make it through the colder months. And we made a video, which you can watch here.
We’ve made new friends, been social, learnt a thing or two about gardens, and shared ideas.
November, we have lots lined up, including building some bird boxes, (thanks to Kellaway Builders
and Jackson at Ecomotive/SNUG Homes for donating the materials and preparing some kits- for us
to assemble) probably more whittling (seems popular) and since we have a lot of sage, someone suggested we make smudge sticks.
I look forward to seeing you there either on Wednesdays or Saturdays. The temperatures are dropping, but wrap up, pop down to your outdoor welcome space.
Don’t take my word for it, here’s what you said
‘A warm welcome here!’
‘Really nice people, fun’
‘What a lovely session, very friendly and informative. Great to see young people getting creative’
All welcome
See you soon
Anne-Louise, Buzz Community Garden Project Manager