Love Where You Live Walk - A walk to the Ebe Cafe
A lovely write up from one of our attendee’s, Geoff, from our wellbeing walks…
On 2nd November we arrived at Filton Ave Church café around 20 minutes after setting off, both soaked through however, received a very warm welcome by staff and visitors.
We hung up our wet coats on a nearby radiator and headed straight for the café counter which was brimming full with cakes and many other delicious treats. We both ordered hot drinks and chose our delicious snacks. Jonathan insisted on paying for the cakes and tea, what a gentleman.
We sat in the warm for a while then had a look around the church hall. It was fairly busy with some toddlers around and people of various ages and backgrounds.
Staff were in the kitchen making up jacket potatoes and salads for later that morning /some activities were taking place with lots of assistance from volunteers who took the trouble to talk to us too.
We later set back off to the hub using an alternative ,more rural, route.
I completed a feed back form stating how well the event went and thought it all to be very interesting.
So a big thankyou to all staff at the café /and to Jonathan for braving the elements.
p.s. My round on the tea and cakes next time Jonathan!
- Geoffrey Scrase
Thanks for taking the time to do this write up for us Geoff, and we look forward to seeing you on the next one!