Lockleaze guardians of children with additional needs support group

The Lockleaze Guardians support group for parents and carers of children with additional needs met up on the 6th July at the Hubbub cafe.

We had 4 chatty parents and carers that joined us for the group and one of the parents said that the group had inspired her to complete an education, health care plan assessment. This plan helps you to get the right support at school for your child and elsewhere which is much needed.

As we had some new members in the group today everyone was keen to share a bit of their story and one thing that would help them manage a bit better over the summer. This resulted in helpful discussion where we all shared different cheap or free local and Bristol events and activities for the whole family to do over the summer. Some of the group also made plans to meet up over the summer to have some fun days out and support each other.

We will next meet up on Wednesday 7th September at 11am at the Hubbub cafe at the Hub. If this might be of interest to you I can highly recommend the care and support that you will receive from this group.

If you would like any further information about this helpful group or you would like to connect further with other parents and carers of additional needs, please let me know.

All the Best.

Jonathan Ford.

Wellbeing Navigator. (I work at the Hub from Tuesday to Thursday).

Tel-0117 9141129