Butterfly spotting at Buzz Community Garden

Did You Know?

At Buzz Community Garden we have been counting the butterflies?

We then send our results to our Ecologist Eric  ecologist@lockleazent.co.uk  as part of our Really Wild Lockleaze project to help monitor results on a local level. This helps inform management and results are submitted to local records centres.

It’s super easy to join in- just take 15 minutes in the day to record what butterflies you see. It could be anywhere... your garden, school, workplace or local park/woods.

Or you could join us at Buzz Community Garden every Wednesday and Saturday 10-12pm.

By  identifying and recording the butterflies you see your efforts will help contribute to national efforts to monitor and conserve our butterflies.

We've attached a handy chart to help you get started and the amazing regulars at Buzz Community Garden have been getting creative making beautiful pressed flower charts to help us identify and remember which plants are the pollinators favourites!

Happy spotting everyone!