Huge steps forward for Lockleaze Loves Homes community-led housing project!


We are delighted to announce that Lockleaze Neighbourhood Trust has appointed Bristol-based practice, Barefoot Architects to help progress the community-led housing project at the end of Turner Gardens in Lockleaze. 

This is a huge milestone for the community housing project at the junction of Turner Gardens and Constable Road, which plans to build around 20 homes on land that used to have housing on it. 

Following an extensive selection process involving a panel of Lockleaze residents, we are pleased to have chosen Barefoot Architects who clearly demonstrated a passion for community-driven solutions to local needs and a successful track record of working alongside community organisations and creatively engaging residents.

Grace Eckall, local resident and steering group member who informed the assessment process said:

"From the engagement assessment it was clear that Barefoot Architects carefully and skilfully put the community they're working with at the heart of their design process and from the get-go, keep local people values, concerns and aspirations in mind. I am really pleased to be a part of the project and enjoy being involved with the design process."

Responding to needs identified in the community plan, Our Lockleaze, the project places affordability and quality at its core. It aims to deliver a mix of opportunities for Lockleaze residents looking to find genuinely affordable rent and a chance to get on the property ladder in Lockleaze.

Community-led homes differ from traditionally built houses by involving residents throughout the design process, enabling them to shape decisions that reflect the needs of the community. Bristol has a growing number of community-led initiatives across the city that will give residents the opportunity to input into the management of the development and secures the homes as assets for the future of the community. 

Lockleaze has around 700 of houses in the pipeline which are expected to be delivered in the coming years. We believe that these developments should benefit local people and prioritise those in need. 

We are at a very exciting stage for the project, with our first community design workshop taking place Monday, January 20th. This will inform the initial design decisions as we begin to prepare a planning application. There is still lots to do but with funding secured from Locality, Power to Change and Homes England, we will continue to build on the progress so far and aim to have submitted the full planning application by Summer 2020. 

To find out more contact Alex Bugden on
