Energy Advice Drop In January 2025
This week Lockleaze Neighbourhood Trust held another very successful energy event at The Hub, where 98 residents attended. This is the second free energy advice event we have organised for our community, and was part of the Warm and Welcome Week. Listen to our interview on BBC Radio Bristol promoting the event here, at 2 hours 35 minutes.
We arranged the drop in event with Ovo Energy and included Wessex Water, Bristol Water, The C.H.E.E.S.E Project, Step Change, and National Energy Action, in addition to the team from the Warm and Welcome Spaces national campaign.
Each of them were able to give on the spot, face to face, free advice and information to help you save money this winter.
No booking, no appointment, regardless of your supplier, and all for free!
“Really useful - thank you!”
“I had help to sort out a smart meter so I'll be saving money on my bills”
“Very informative and friendly - I've got lots to follow up which will make a real difference.”
We welcomed back the C.H.E.E.S.E project and so many of you were keen to find out more about the thermal imaging survey - a great way to help you identify what action you need to take for your home to reduce bills and stay warm.
“I'm going to book a thermal imaging survey so I know what I can do to make my home warmer - it's time to tackle those draughts!”
Everyone who attended received a free bundle to help them keep warm and reduce their energy bills - LED light bulbs, plug timers that show you how much energy an appliance uses, and the very popular electric fleece blankets with variable heat settings and timer. There were also shower timers, thermometers, gunk pots and shower drain covers available too.
“Now I can show my children how much it's costing when they leave tv’s and gaming stuff on!”
“I learnt how to use the plugs to turn appliances off with my phone - I'm so impressed!”
“I love my blanket and can't wait to use it! Thank you.”
For this event we included an hour prior to the event where, with the help of our partners, we ensured some of our most vulnerable or supported households had priority access. This targeted approach was very successful- thanks to all our partners for your collaboration.
“Thank you for my free gifts and for the information - everyone was kind and friendly.”
“We really appreciate your help, thank you. I learnt so much, I'm so glad I came.”
It is through our partnership project and contacts that we are able to bring the advice and support you request - working together to help you save money and keep warm this winter.
We also welcomed ITV news to the event and you can watch it here, at around 14:20.
Thank you to Ovo Foundation and Ovo Energy for your continued support for our community.
“What a great job you do for your community, keeping us warm and helping us to save money.”
As always we promote all events on our website, social media pages and on posters in our windows. We also share with our partners - helping you to keep you connected.