Advice Drop-Ins January to March
On most Wednesdays at the Hub, free drop-in advice is available during our friendly Hubbub Cafe.
Coming up we have housing advice from Housing Matters, money management from Clean Slate, Bristol City Councillor surgeries, representatives from the new WorkWell health and employment scheme, and someone to chat to from Bristol Disability Equality Forum. See below for dates and more details about what is on offer. To receive reminders about the drop-ins, visit out Facebook events page and click ‘interested’ or ‘going’ for any drop-ins you are interested in.
Housing Matters and Clean Slate
Housing Matters and Clean Slate will be at Hubbub from 11:00 til 13:00 on the 15th and 29th January, 12 and 26th February, and 12th March.
Housing Matters can offer advice on homelessness, social housing, emergency/temporary accommodation, damp, mould and disrepair, overcrowding, landlord issues, eviction, falling behind with rent, housing related benefits, court proceedings related to housing and more. Find out more about them here.
Clean Slate come to the Hub at the same time as Housing Matters, and offer advice on money, getting online, getting vouchers, all from friendly and knowledgeable staff. They also publish Quid’s In, a really helpful magazine full of advice on making your money go further- why not pick up a copy from the Hub?
Lockleaze Councillor Surgeries
Meet Cllrs Heather Mack and David Wilcox, local councillors for Lockleaze Ward. This is your chance to discuss any issues or ideas relating to council-run services. They are scheduled to be at Hubbub on the 15th January, 26th February and 19th March.
WorkWell is a programme providing support to people with health conditions. It could help you to return to work, to get the right support to stay in work or to find new, suitable work. They will be at Hubbub from 11:00 to 13:00 on the 22nd January, 5th February and 19th March- it’s a really good opportunity to find out about what they can do or if they are right for you. Find out more or self-refer here.
Bristol Disability Equality Forum
Dan from Bristol Disability Equality Forum is at Hubbub every Wednesday from 10:30 to 12:00. This is a chance for anyone who identifies as a Disabled person to discuss any issues that may affect them, and to get individual support. Plus, it’s a chance to meet new people, build up confidence, and make plans for the future!
Bristol Disability Equality Forum are a Deaf/Disabled led organisation addressing local and national issues around inclusion and equality issues.
You can find access information for the Hub here, or contact us at or 0117 914 1129.