More Peace of Mind sessions

We are delighted to welcome back Damien for another 4 week Peace of Mind course.

Not sure it's for you? Wonder what it's about? Curious to know how it can help you?

Please read the helpful feedback from a previous attendee.

The ‘Peace of Mind’ sessions came just at the right time for me . 

Lots of things going on in my life, feeling overwhelmed , distressed and unable to relax at all.  On the first session , we were all met by Lockleaze Neighbourhood Trust staff and introduced to Damien, who were very welcoming and supportive from the outset . 

The group of people attending was fairly small and the room was calm. 

Refreshments were freely available. 

Damien ran the group and had an amazing ability to put me completely at my ease . I believe this was the same for the others there. His voice was very soothing , thus making the breathing / relaxing exercises easier to grasp . 

This is something I have struggled with a lot in the past . 

The breathing / calming exercises are not just for the sessions but are for practice at home too . Practice is the key and just finding a few minutes each day for myself feels special. 

I still have a lot of difficult things happening in my life, as a lot of people do ;the sessions don’t take them away. However , I feel that having an ability to now take a few minutes each day away from those things , I can cope with them better . I’m not perfect at it and I have missed the sessions. I am grateful that Damien volunteers his time and the sessions are completely free…an absolute gift ’


Michelle, local resident.

They will be from 12:30 to 1:30pm on Fridays, at LNT at Old St James on Romney Avenue, BS7 9TD.

To book your free place, contact, or phone 0117 9141129.

Lockleaze Neighbourhood Trust