Former Police Station Update - Demolition works

Bristol City Council have now appointed the main contractor Stepnell to demolish the former Police Station in Lockleaze to allow them to construct 37 affordable homes and associated non-residential space.

The contractors will take possession of the site on 28th August 2024.

However, you may see some site activity before this date. Once they have secured the site with hoarding, demolition works will begin shortly after.

There should be no disruption to Cameron Centre, and all of our classes will be running as usual.

Also, the fencing created by the demolition works will not close the pedestrian access to Nash Drive on the western site boundary adjacent to the police station building.

If you would like to view the Planning Application you can look up Planning Ref 23/01731/FB on Bristol City Council’s Planning Portal. Here you will be able to see the full plans and designs for this development.

If you have any questions, contact Jacqueline Coe on:

Telephone + 44 (0) 117 352 5284

Mobile + 44 (0) 07557 203430



A Site Manager for Stepnell has been appointed to oversee this work, his name is James Webber and his mobile contact is 07721962898. James will be available should you wish to discuss any concerns regarding the demolition with him.