Tell your Councillors what capital spending you would like to see locally
Each year Councillors meet to determine how money the Council receives from developments locally is spent. Lockleaze is part of Area 3 . The deadline for initial ideas to be put to the local Councillors is 18th May 2023. Councillors are usually available at our pop-up Hubbub cafe on the 3rd Wednesday of each month if you would like to speak to them about an idea, or you can contact them directly:
Correspondence address:
c/o Green Group Office
City Hall
PO Box 3399
Mobile: 07584202666
Mobile: 07584184323
What S106 and CIL money is used for
Section 106 Funds
S106 funds are often explicitly for highways improvements, parks improvements and tree planting.
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
85% of CIL money raised is used to pay for city-wide projects delivered by Bristol City Council. For example, improving roads and schools.
15% of CIL funds and relevant local S106 funds are made available for local improvements. Decisions on how the money is allocated is made by councillors.
Areas with a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) receive 25% of CIL funds raised within their area to support the priorities they've identified.
Local councillors allocate the funds through their area committees to support local priority projects, such as improving community centres or parks. There are six area committees that cover the city.
Amount of available funds
The amount of funds depends on the number and scale of new developments that are taking place in each of the areas covered by the six area committees.
CIL money is paid to the council throughout the year so each area's CIL fund increases every month.
Local CIL money, 15% of money raised, can be spent anywhere in the area covered by an area committee and on any project which meets the criteria for the legal use of CIL
S106 money spend has to fulfil the terms of the legal agreement between the developer and the council.
BCC monthly reports show how much planning money is available for each area committee to spend, what funds have been committed and what each S106 purpose is: