Romney Avenue Works Update

An update from City Works:

''For information, please note as per the advanced notification signs, Romney Avenue will be closed as follows:

Mullready Close junction with Romney Avenue

Monday 27th Sept - 6.30pm - Midnight

Tuesday 28th Sept - 6.30pm - Midnight

Wednesday 29th Sept- 6.30pm - Midnight

Brangwyn Grove junction with Romney Avenue

Monday 4th October- 6.30pm - Midnight

Tuesday 5th October- 6.30pm - Midnight

Wednesday 6th October - 6.30pm - Midnight

The closures are to enable the installation of speed tables (a raised section of road with a ramp at both sides), which will serve as a traffic calming measure in the Trinity Academy school zone.

A copy of the diversion route is attached for reference. The Public Transport Team are liaising with local bus companies and are in the process of preparing notices for the affected bus stops.

Please circulate the diversion to any interested parties.

Apologies for the short notice of the exact dates of these works. We are attempting to bring forward and complete works as quickly as possible.'‘

TC21_11 Romney Avenue_Plan-1.png
Lockleaze Neighbourhood Trust