45 Minutes Laughing On Purdown - Annie's Fitness Blog

45 Minutes Laughing On Purdown - Fitness Blog

By Annie Cash

I saw local fitness trainer Gary Rowley on Monday, who is running free fitness boot camps around Lockleaze to try and get people moving and be more active

To be honest I was put off fitness as a kid, I was always the clumsy one who was terrible at sports because I tended to fall over my own shoes and could never remember which team I was on, or who my team mates were! I also started to feel self-conscious as I got older, bullying at secondary school can dissuade people from PE for life.

Despite this, I decided to go along to Gary’s class to check it out because some of my friends were going. When I got there I found that Gary's attitude calmed me right down. He was friendly and helpful and didn't judge anyone.

Can't find a babysitter? Bring the kids, it's fun for them too! The more the merrier! Got an injury? Bad knee, bad back, bad balance? Gary offered alternatives for everyone who couldn't do the regular moves. Feeling shy because you're a bit overweight and worried you won't fit in or be judged? The atmosphere was playful and inclusive

It didn't really feel like a tough workout (although my body the next day reminded me it had been!) because we were playing hilarious games, like trying to grab each others' knees and being the first person to touch a cone. At the end I was thinking, was that a work-out? I just spent 45 minutes laughing!

My advice for anyone coming would be remember to ask each other's names because it makes it less awkward when you are grabbing their knee, and remember to bring water because you will need it! The water is mainly because your throat dries out from the laughter.

I had such a blast that the time flew by and I can't wait for next week!

Lockleaze Neighbourhood Trust