The Filtones Choir Relaunch - September 15th

The Filtones Choir Relaunch - September 15th

The Filtones Choir has survived the last 18 months and will relaunch with its first rehearsal on Wednesday the 15th of September at a new venue - St. Teresa’s community Centre, at 71 Gloucester Road North, Filton.

The Filtones are an afternoon choir and rehearse from 1:45pm - 3:45pm every Wednesday, with a short break for tea and gossip!

Special Offer!

The Filtones welcome new members of all ages to join us free for the first four weeks to see if you like us. Now that many work from home, we hope that it may enable you to join in a social activity with like-minded people away from your own four walls for a couple hours in congenial company.

It’s undisputed singing is good for wellbeing!

The Filtones are a four part harmony choir and are in need of all voices, sopranos, altos, tenors, and basses. If you’re not sure of your range don’t worry as you will soon discover what suits you. They are a non auditioning choir, and it’s not essential for you that you read music, you will soon begin to assimilate this as a new skill, which is always good for exercising those grey cells!

For more information please ring Dot on 07870 984760 or 0117 9690654

or Janet on 0117 9241534 or email

Please Note: The Filtones are Covid-19 compliant in with government guidelines and, for the reassurance of current members, we trust that, if you are joining us as a guest, you will have had two doses of the vaccine. Seating will be spaced and we ask you wear a mask when moving about the building, but you may remove it once you are seated and singing. Thanks for your co-operation. The Filtones hope to see you soon!

Lockleaze Neighbourhood Trust