Student from Fairfield High School completes 254km cycle for mental health charity.

We’ve received the following piece of excellent news from local secondary school Fairfield High School:

Congratulations to Thomas in Year 7 at Fairfield High School (FHS) who completed an impressive 254km cycling distance during half term; the kilometres were money matched, so he also raised £254 for Youngminds, a children and young people’s mental health charity.


Thomas explains the motivation behind this tough physical and mental challenge:


“I usually play lots of sports so I thought it would be a good idea to support a good cause and stay fit during lockdown at the same time; it was a win win in my mind. My Dad planned all our rides so I just followed his lead however tough it was. The last cycle ride we did was 72km, but even though it was our longest ride, the 56km in the country was the hardest because of all the hills!


“My family and friends helped me raise this sum of money – even my football coach made a donation. I chose Youngminds because I wanted to give something to all of those young people out there who have struggled during lockdown.”


Donavan Shand, Year 7 Achievement Co-ordinator at FHS comments:


“Thomas is a very active student with a very helpful demeanour. We have had many conversations about youth football throughout the school day as it is one of his passions. I am very impressed with what Thomas has accomplished.”


Thomas doesn’t plan to sit still for long – as soon as restrictions allow he will be out on the football pitch, and may even set another half term challenge of running. Watch this space!
