Mud, Motivation and a Medal!

My journey to complete the half marathon

By Kath, Local Resident

Two years ago, on a night out, myself and a group of friends set ourselves the goal to run the Weston half marathon. We had already begun our training when the pandemic happened and everything came to a halt. 

The marathon was rescheduled to October 2021 but sadly none of my friends could commit so I made the decision to go it alone. Unfit, unmotivated and unwilling and three weeks behind on the training schedule I shocked my body into action. 

I really struggled. I couldn't get my pace right, and felt exhausted and lonely trying to keep to the training schedule. 

Through encouragement from friends and family I persevered. I began to notice the positive impact on my mental and physical health. 

Sunday mornings became my favourite run-the most mileage,running in different parts of the city, experiencing the different sights and sounds I was usually too busy to notice. I became more energised, more emotionally resilient, and happier. Just before the half marathon I was nervous and began to doubt myself, but I am proud to say I completed my goal. 

I ran on my own but fely part of the collective-we encouraged each other, and although it was hard I did it! 

Crossing the finishing line on the pier was exhilarating! I will definitely enter again.