"I am a Coach and this is My Story" - Marcella Wyatt's Monday Motivation Blog

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Marcella 'Red' Wyatt 

Profession: Events and Family Officer, The Family Centre (Deaf Children) & TA Cover, Elmfield School for Deaf Children 

Ashley Down Old Boys RFC. Age: 46 Team: Ladies 1XV Playing Position: Hooker 

I’m rather a late starter in the rugby game despite enjoying watching it. Growing up, Saturday afternoons were spent at my grand-parents house in Southmead but my Pappy (grandad) would be out most of the afternoon watching Rugby. Roll on 40 odd years later in the clubhouse, I sit looking at the wall and who is looking back at me on a photograph? My grandad!! I wish he and my dad were still alive to see me play for the ladies and my daughter the juniors. 

I became involved with the juniors following a successful plea with my daughter to give rugby a try (pardon the pun!). I would offer to do the registration and subs when needed and soon became a fixture and sat on the committee. Last year there was a need for more coaches and me being me said to Kev that I could help out until the under 13’s girls section was up and running as my daughter was now too old to play with the boys and so I, along with two others became coaches for the under 6’s. I love it. 

I love to see happy, smiling faces. After all that is what it is about, fun and a sense of belonging. The rugby club is more than just a club, it is a second family to me. The support from all sections has been incredible through good

times and bad, resulting in life-long friendships being formed. I’ve worked to start a girls section that is beginning to grow but I intend to stay coaching the under 6’s/7’s. It is addictive and I recommend anyone thinking about it to give it a go. 

Rugby really is for everyone and anyone. You may see me coaching the under 6’s and making odd hand gestures. That is me signing colours or some other instructions to two of our members who have a hearing loss and I try to do it in a way that doesn’t draw attention. Rugby is inclusive. 

Inclusivity is important to me because I strongly feel that every child should have the chance to experience the same activities as their peers.

To read the full blog click here:

https://www.pitchero.com/clubs/ashleydownoldboys/news/i-am-a-coach- -marcella-wyatt-2636919.html 

Want to find out more about Ashley Down Old Boys RFC-click here:


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