Apply for an Allotment Plot

Calling Community Groups

Ashely Vale Allotment Association (AVAA) works with St Werburghs City Farm to manage 13 acres of community allotments, for the benefit of plot holders, wildlife and the local community.

There's a very long waiting list — 6 years— to have an individual space, so we're creating a 'community plot' to increase access to the site.

Apply for the Community Plot, by submitting the form HERE...

Community Garden at The Propagation Place

The available plot is opposite the 'Propagation PlaceOpens in a new window' polytunnel and is a flat easy area to work. The plot would be let under the same conditions and be subject the same checks as the general site; this excludes using the site for commercial ventures.

Further information about the site rules can be found HERE...

We're welcoming local community groups to apply to rent the plot, who in turn will engage people who normally struggle to access land. 

This could include people who are elderly, have mobility issues, have mental health conditions, deprived, marginalised, or groups that are culturally less likely to use the AVAA allotment site.

Please have a realistic plan of action for the plot, including a designated volunteer co-ordinator, frequency of use, and if you have finances in place for tools and kit you may require. 

If you'd like to see the plot or talk though details, please send an email to​ or call us on 01179428241

The closing date for applications is Monday October 11th by noon.

The applications will be read by the members of Ashely Vale Allotment Association (AVAA) to find a group that we think will suit our unique site.

We hope to get the plot rented in Autumn.
