Annual General Meeting Blog
By Suzanne Wilson, LNT CEO
On 20th October we hosted our Annual General Meeting, a chance for anyone interested in what we do to connect with us, ask questions and hear about our previous financial years performance. We shared information about our accounts for April 2020 - March 2021, the work we have done and impact on the community and sharing news and future developments.
We also approved the minutes of our previous AGM, appointed our accountants Bristol Community Accountants CIC, thanked staff and trustees for all their hardwork over the last difficult 12 months and thanked Alan Sweetman, former manager of the Vench who has been on our board for four years and has now stepped down.
We thanked our funders and supporters, especially local partners that we have worked really closely with in this last year. Our accounts are being signed and will shortly be published on both companies house and charity commission websites (where you can also read previous years accounts). For a flavour of what was discussed on the night please see our slideshow below.