No Kit But Keeping Fit! - Luisa's Monday Motivation Blog

By Luisa Armato

During the first lockdown I had become a couch potato, I couldn’t be bothered to exercise and wasn’t feeling too good about myself.  When the lockdown eased I was looking for something to help me get back into fitness and also meet some new people, I mean I hadn’t seen anyone for over 4 months

Whilst browsing Facebook a post came up on the Lockleaze Facebook page from Ashley Down Old Boys Ladies Rugby team (ADOB), saying to come and join them in training, so I thought “what an opportunity”....... then I thought to myself, I have never watched or played rugby, I don’t have the “kit” and most of all I was unfit and overweight.  Surely I couldn’t join them, right?  Well that is what I thought until I contacted them and they said to come along and join them, no experience or kit required, just enthusiasm, so I thought why not.

That Thursday I turned up, in my leggings, T-shirt and trainers and trained with them.  The ladies were so welcoming and friendly and I had a great evening and came away feeling amazing.

From just turning to do some fitness, I have now joined the ADOB ladies rugby team and I am learning the rules of rugby as I go.  It is such great fun and I have even started to play games with them at the weekend.  I have met some amazing people and have made so really good friends (and the social element is great too). 

So if you are like me and have no clue about rugby (or even if you do) and want to give it a go, please join us on a Thursday 8pm – 9.30pm on the grass pitch outside ADOB Club House, which is inside the Lockleaze Sports Centre grounds, we would love to see you.