We are Lockleaze Neighbourhood Trust, we run the Hub and Old St James and we are a resident-led organisation that exists to support residents to achieve positive change for themselves and their community.
We're a registered charity, number 1063275, run by residents, volunteers and a small team of dedicated staff who work for the benefit of the people of Lockleaze.
Read our news - Enquire about room hire - Meet the team - Or find out more about our projects below.
We believe that life is better in community, and we support healthy happy lives by listening to residents, connecting them with each other, supporting access to information, skills and opportunities, advocacy and making great things happen in Lockleaze. Here are some of the things we do:
Run The Hub and Old St James, your community centres in the heart of Lockleaze
Organise regular groups and events for the people of Lockleaze - with a focus on resident-led activities supporting wellbeing and community cohesion
Support the development of a community survey and community plan
Support Our Lockleaze - a twice yearly resident forum on what’s happening in Lockleaze and inviting residents to get organised to achieve community goals
Support Network Lockleaze - a group of local organisations that have supported the community plan and work together for the benefit of Lockleaze
Projects that make a difference - such as tackling holiday hunger, supporting community owned homes and rewilding the green areas.
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Our Vision
Lockleaze residents are resilient, skilled, confident and able to achieve positive change for themselves and their community
Our Mission
Our mission is to bring people, information and organisations together and support residents to develop and deliver projects that create local opportunities, community togetherness and make a difference.
Our Priorities
We will help and support local people who want to run activities for their community
We will make sure that we know what local people think about local issues and we’ll work effectively with other organisations and share what’s happening in the area
We’ll give our staff and volunteers opportunities to learn and develop and we’ll celebrate what they do
We will have enough resources to cover our essential costs and become a stronger organisation by generating our own income, fundraising effectively and understanding our risks
We will develop a strong board of Trustees who have the right skills and knowledge to make sure LNT is moving in the right direction and is run efficiently and effectively
We’ll make sure everyone knows who we are and why we are here. We will be an information hub for Lockleaze
We’ll keep track of what we’re doing and measure whether it is making a positive difference in the community. If it is isn’t, we’ll stop doing it.
For more detailed information you can read our strategic and operational plan here.